Wednesday 29 July 2009

Modern life is rubbish...

Firstly, this weather is FUCKING SHIT.

Right, glad that's outta the way. See, anyone from the North of England will know full well that "summer" might as well be swapped for "absolute fucking wank", which is a term that is incredibly reflective of the kind of weather we're provided with yearly by Mother Nature, aka "Grumpy Slag". What does my tits in the most is the way that days out and gatherings are virtually unplannable if you're relying on the weather as a factor.
For example, me and some friends are going to go on a mini camping trip in August, with the likely destination being the Lake District, and I'm crossing my fingers and toes in hope for a few days of sunshine and warmth. But let's face it, its probably going to fucking piss down and drown the lot of us.

This is a very ranty post I know, but when I see the heavy rainfall I just remind myself that I'm English and even if this does happen in the Lakes, it'll still be a good do, as we're used to it and will still manage to salvage a good time from it regardless.

I've only just started to wake up as I had an early start this morning, having to wake at 7am for another euphoric shift at work. Thank God this Friday is payday, I can't wait to go on and order Season 6 of 24, what an absolutely genius drama. Had me hooked from Season 1, the writing never seems to fall from the fantastic standard that the first series set. Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland, who is also an executive producer of the show) is THE MAN.

Another thing for me to look forward to is days off over August, when camping will take place as well as a visit to friends in Manchester. It'll be good to stay over there for a few nights to check out some of their new digs, and to remind myself how fucking quality the place is, before I return there in September.

Been reading a great book recently, "The North Will Rise Again: Manchester Music City 1976-1996" by journalist John Robb, who I met for an interview a few months back. Its been hard to put down during the last couple of nights that I've been reading it, and I'm finding it incredibly interesting and educational. I might whack a quick review of it on this here blog when I've finished it.
And with that, I will continue my "chilling session"...

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