Thursday 20 August 2009

History sticks to your feet...

Well it has been a rather eventful past week or so, that's for sure. Last Monday I went on a camping trip with friends, which was a nice little excursion. We went to the Lakes, and despite camping right next to a road (what the fuck were we thinking?) we had a laugh. Me and Ben took the roles of "Explorers" and spent the evening chasing sheep and drinking on a hill, and during this we found an advantageous way to get into the small Lake we'd found in order to avoid being engulfed by the swampy terrain surrounding it.

Dodging countless piles of sheep shit and muddy puddles, we found a little rocky area that we could use to walk into the freezing lake, so we returned there the next day for a swim, as it was way too windy and cold to jump in that night.

The next day we mooched around a few caves and then the whole group walked to the "pool entrance", at which point me and Ben stripped to our skivvies and bravely endured the cold water, which was actually not that bad at all when we were up to our necks in it. We wanted to swim to a little island on the other side of the lake but when we thought of the prospect of cramping up due to the cold and drowning, the idea was quickly forgotten.

Overall a nice outing. When I'm in a place like that, I've gotta say I'm in my element. I go all David Attenborough whenever I'm surrounded by nature. Bless.

Went back to Manchester with Ben to get my fill of his and Adam's luxury apartment for another few nights, which meant me wearing Ben's clothes due to mine being dirty/not suitable for the ultra-fashionable Northern Quarter. Had a fun two days with those guys and then returned home.

Next came a trip to beautiful York with my Mum and li'l Bro, which was a nice day as the sun was out. Highlights included visiting Dick Turpin's grave, walking around the York Dungeons and strolling around the ancient walls built years ago in the Medieval city, and getting some tasty treats from Jim Garrahy's Fudge Kitchen (damn that fudge is amazing).

A funny moment was later in the day when we were sat on a bench, and were suddenly flung into a moment from "The Animals of Farthing Wood". Thanks to a few crisps, we were surrounded by pigeons, squirrels, mice and rats, all aiming to get their share of the grub on offer. It was hilarious watching them all eyeing each other, well the pigeons weren't, they were scoffing their faces off the fat cunts.

But the squirrels were definitely on guard, making sure they weren't ambushed by any birds while they were having their tea. The rats and the mice were gone if you even moved your little finger, they really were fast as fuck. The squirrel got a whole chocolate marshmallow thing to himself in the end, so cute watching him eat it. Victory!

So we went home, me with my baddass Golly doll that I'd purchased earlier in the day, a knackered and happy trio. Now I am going to spend time listening to the Strokes' entire discography because they're that fucking good. Ciao for now.

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